On August 22, 2012, the Us. Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced the adoption of the final rules regarding “conflict minerals” in Section 1502 of The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (“Conflict Minerals Rules”) which requires, among other things, he investigation, recording and disclosure of the use of conflict minerals from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DCR) and neighbors.
Conflict minerals includes gold, tin ore, tantalum, tungsten and derivates, which extraction and commerce are direct or indirectly helping armed forces and considered financial sources of this conflicts in a determined area.
Kabel and Quantum adopt this policy to guide implementation and maintenance of its Conflict Minerals program.
Our policy is to refrain from acquiring DRC Conflict Minerals that may finance or benefit armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or an adjacent country – directly or indirectly, from any source. It is our requirement that our suppliers not supply Kabel and Quantum with any products where the supplier cannot certify them as “DRC Conflict Free” within the meaning of the Conflict Minerals Rules.
Kabel and Quantum expect that their suppliers adopt a similar policy, answer annual inquiries related to conflict minerals and implement a due diligence within the supply chain to understand the origin of the minerals supplied to Kabel and Quantum, to ensure an adequate information in compliance with the final rules of SEC Conflict Minerals.
In case that a supplier is not able or cannot present the above requirements, Kabel and Quantum will look for suppliers to act according to the requirements.
Rev: 00 – Date:02/04/2019